Welcome to the Sand Creek Road Complete Streets Study in the Village of Colonie, New York! Our goal is to create a vibrant and accessible community by transforming Sand Creek Road into a safe and livable roadway for all users.
The Village of Colonie is strategically situated amongst regionally significant transportation hubs and commercial districts. As such, the lack of adequate pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure and peak hour vehicle delays have become a concern for residents and commuters along Sand Creek Road.
That's why we're embarking on a journey to make Sand Creek Road a more walkable, livable, and healthier place to live, work, and play. Our approach to Complete Streets will involve a range of strategies to enhance the roadway, including:
Improved sidewalks and crosswalks for safe and accessible pedestrian travel
Dedicated bicycle infrastructure to encourage active transportation
Traffic calming measures to slow down vehicles and create a safer environment
Enhanced public transportation options to make travel more convenient and accessible
Beautification and greening efforts to create a more attractive and sustainable environment
Visit the Public Engagement page to learn how to get involved. Together, we will lay the groundwork to rebuild Sand Creek Road as a Complete Street for all!